Today while passing by market, something caught my eye for which I wait every year at this time of year. That beautifully decorated reddish things made me stop and I had to spend some rupees to buy them.
Beetroot is actually root of the beet plant which is loved all over the world for its health benefits and delicious taste. It is mostly part of the salads used with different meals.
Let’s have a look on some of the major health benefits of Beetroot.
A Friend of High blood pressure patients:
Studies show that beetroot is very beneficial for high blood pressure patients. High nitrate levels present in the beet juice are a wonderful and cheap way of treating high blood pressure and other cardiac diseases.
A Fighter against Diabetes:
If you have diabetes and you don’t eat beetroot, then it’s probably your fault too. Due to the presence of alpha-lipoic acid, which decreases glucose levels and boost up the insulin activity you can fight diabetes without spending much money.
Better Digestion:
Beetroot is well known for being rich in fiber content. Due to high fiber it helps in the better digestion of food. Since it digests the food faster, it also pay relief from constipation which is of course a big problem.
Agent for improved athletic performance:
Beetroot is well known for increasing muscle oxygenation and dietary nitrate increases the tolerance of muscles during exercise. If you do long time exercises then make sure that you are having a glass of beetroot juice beside you.
Beetroot can also help the metabolic rate, produce blood and heart pumps more blood to the brain which reduces hair fall and your brain works faster than it usually does.
There must be plenty of beetroot out in market near your house so don’t waste time and go get it before you’ll have to another year for it.
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