Pathology is the subject of diseases. It is one of the basic yet most important subject for medical students. Because if you don't know about the diseases, how can you learn its treatment and management. Means you cannot study subjects like medicine, surgery, eye, ENT, etc if you don't have a good … [Read more...]
Review Of Medical Microbiology And Immunology pdf Review + Deals
Microbiology and immunology are the branches of biology that deals with the role of micro organisms and human body and how to get immunity against them. In medical field, they are studied in the subject of pathology. It is a must subject for undergraduate students of MBBS and other medical degree … [Read more...]
Sodium Iodide Symporter- Location, Structure, Physiology & Pathology
Sodium-iodide symporter, also called sodium iodide pump or iodide pump is present in thyroid gland and helps in the active transport of iodide to follicular cells of thyroid.What is Sodium Iodide Symporter: As mentioned above, it is an active transporter or pump that uses electrochemical … [Read more...]
Blood Clotting Factors pdf Download
Blood Clotting factors are the substances/chemical that help in coagulation or clotting of the blood. These factors help in different reaction of direct and indirect pathways of coagulation. If any single clotting factor is missing, this would result in blood clotting disorders. There are main 13 … [Read more...]
Robbins Pathologic Basis Of Diseases pdf Review + Best Deals
Robbins Pathologic basis of diseases pdf is one of the most recommended and standard book for pathology used by medical students. This book is for those medical students, who want to learn pathology and are looking for one of the standard and easy to understand book.Find and download other … [Read more...]