Physical examination and history taking are one of the most important skills a doctors can have. The reason that if you know the art of history taking and physical examination, you can rule out the unnecessary costs and burden on patient. You can diagnose the diseases in majority of cases just on the basic of history and examination. Therefore today we are going to review a book or guide that is one of the best resources for medical students who want to learn history taking and physical examination. This guide is called bates guide to physical examination and history taking. As i have studied this book for learning history taking and other books as well, i would be giving my honest review about this and the evaluation copy of bates physical examination pdf.
As mentioned i have an evaluation copy and would be sharing that pdf and you can download it below but it is only for preview purposes. If you want to study this book/guide, you should buy bates guide to physical examination and history taking in hard copy at the end.
Recommended: Download pocket medicine pdf and read my review.
Bates Guide To Physical Examination And History Taking pdf Review:
This book i.e bates guide to physical examination pdf is written by Lynn S. Bickley. It has 12th editions and it is all about the skills that are necessary for being a good doctor. Usually the medical students at very basic level when the are studying theoretical subjects also start learning the skills of history taking. Because it is such an important thing that without it you can waste a lot of time and money of your patients. Therefore a book like betes guide is a must for event student. Because each and every step of physical examination like bio data, chief complaints and history of present illness etc is given in great detail. And examples are also given for each and every step. Also different boxes are given that highlights the important points like symptoms etc.
Then after learning the skills of history taking, the students must have skills of physical examination. Although these skills are learned and improved through practicing but still a role of good book cannot be neglected. Because without learning them first from a book, how can you practice them? Therefore a book like bates guide to physical examination is a must where all the procedures of examination are given along with special blue boxes where pictures are added and in some paces important points are mentioned.
Features of Bates Physical Examination pdf:
Although most of the features are already mentioned in my review above but still i will list them here. These are the features of latest 12th edition:
- In the 12 edition the content is revised and there are new features to facilitate students learning.
- There is strong evidence bases and clinical guidelines and citations from different sources in the twelfth edition.
- In the latest edition common or important problems are highlighted again and again but rare diseases are also mentioned.
- In blue boxes, clinical pearls are given that includes important points.
- In the 12th edition of bates physical examination many of the new figures are added.
- You can easily find important summaries of different clinical conditions because they are highlighted in yellow boxes in the latest edition.
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You can download the 12th edition of bates physical examination in pdf format for preview purposes. After checking out the book, you can buy it using the discounted link below:
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